[NSFW] Mind Your Surroundings... | EN World Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

August 2024 ยท 3 minute read
Feat: Hazard Trick Training (Multiclass Hazard Trick)
Requires Nature as a trained skill. You may roll Nature to spot and identify unknown natural terrain or natural traps, even when these would normally be a surprise. When an enemy shifts out of a space of hazardous or challenging natural terrain threatened by you, you may make a basic melee attack against that enemy as an immediate interrupt.

Feat: Hazard Trick Novice
Requires Hazard Trick Training, 4th level. You may replace one encounter attack power of third level or higher with the Hazard Skid power.

Hazard Skid
There's a darn good reason why you chose to stand over here instead...
Encounter, Immediate Interrupt. Martial.
Target: One enemy who just entered a square of hazardous or challenging natural terrain threatened by you.
Attack: Wis vs. Reflex. Add half the total distance moved by the target so far during its turn to the attack roll; add the full distance if it entered the square at a run.
Effect: The target drops prone and is dazed until the start of its next turn.

Feat: Hazard Trick Expert
Requires Hazard Trick Training, 8th level. You may replace one utility power of 6th level or higher with the Hazard Finesse utility power.

Hazard Finesse
Oh, right. That old trick. Well, does he know that you can still see his shoes when he tries that? I wonder...
Encounter, Utility, Immediate Interrupt. Martial.
Effect: Use this when an enemy uses an environmental feature such as terrain, naturally occuring cover or concealment, or some other static natural source to become hidden or gain combat advantage against you. That combat advantage or hiding attempt is negated (for you only), and until the end of your next turn the target has a -2 penalty to attack you and grants combat advantage to you.

Feat: Hazard Trick Specialist
Requires 10th level, Hazard Trick Training. You may replace one daily attack power of 9th level or higher with the Hazard Snare power.

Hazard Snare
These reeds are harmless, sure... except if you break the seedpods and it's Needlefang hatching season. Then... well, just watch.
Daily, Standard Action. Martial.
Effect: Choose one square of hazardous or challenging natural terrain adjacent to you. The first time a character enters that square this encounter, make this attack.
Attack: Your attack bonus is equal to your Nature skill check bonus. Any relevant modifiers to skill checks may be applied to this attack as well. Make this attack versus the target's Reflex defense.
Hit: 3d6+Wis damage, and target is knocked prone and grabbed by the terrain. Until they escape the grab, they take 8 ongoing damage and cannot stand up from prone. This grab uses a DC of 10 plus your Nature skill bonus rather than your Fortitude or Reflex defenses to defend against escape attempts.
